Personal Finance New Year’s Resolutions You Can Start TODAY

Note: This post originally published in December 2018. It has been updated for 2019. According to the Merck Animal Health Veterinary Wellbeing Study, one of the biggest stressors in a veterinarian’s life is money. One could argue that this is a top stressor for almost anyone, but veterinarians are especially prone to financial stress. Why?…

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My Financial Mistakes- And Why I Have No Regrets

I realized that I have yet to write a post dedicated to my financial mistakes. They are peppered throughout various other posts, but I thought I would go ahead and put them all in one place. Because who doesn’t like to re-live their mistakes and wallow in regret???? Actually, this post is dedicated to all…

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Going Into Disney Mode

Five years ago, we decided to do what millions of people do every year. We decided to take a magical trip to Disneyland. My oldest was obsessed with the Pixar movie Cars. What better way to feed into this obsession than by visiting a theme park that had an entire section dedicated to this movie?…

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The 20% Budget Rule: Part 2

Did you calculate your savings rate from Part 1? How close are you to a 20% savings rate? Part 2 will include a basic comparison between two veterinarians so that you can see what the numbers will look like.  To keep this focused on just savings, we’re looking at after-tax income, and we’re not accounting…

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The 20% Budget Rule: Part 1

So I have written about making your own, detailed spending plan (aka budget). I have also written about my own experience of budgeting without actually budgeting. What if you’re starting from scratch and want something really simple? Something that doesn’t require a lot of number crunching, but also doesn’t require that you are a natural…

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A Trip To Costco And Spending Choices

I am a big fan of Costco. In case you don’t know about Costco, let me give you a quick overview.  It is an international warehouse chain that requires an annual paid membership ($60 for a basic membership) in order to shop at their stores.  It is now considered the world’s second largest retailer, the…

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Getting Out Of Debt Without A Budget

Updated September 2021 Back when I got married, we were living a carefree DINK (dual income, no kids) life.  We had moved to the west coast and were renting a 1 bedroom apartment.  We had one car between the two of us since we were both walking distance to our jobs, and the car was…

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Saving For College 101

Updated May 2021 Being in a profession that is no stranger to student debt, college savings became a priority when we were expecting our first child, as I think it should for many of those that expect their children to attend college.   First, let me hit you with some scary statistics.  Not for shock…

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