Posts Tagged ‘retirement’
The Total Money Makeover- Book Review
For those looking to revamp their money mindset and the way they handle money, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey has been a popular go-to book. I have already written a post about my thoughts on Dave Ramsey, so I thought I would take this opportunity to review one of his books. One concept…
Read MoreYour Savings and Investing Options: Fill Your Buckets!
Is Dave Ramsey Right For You?
The Millionaire Next Door: Book Review
Updated August 2021 Back in the dark ages (otherwise known as the 1990’s), I came across this book in my house. It was called “The Millionaire Next Door”, and little did I know that this book would re-enter my life over 20 years later. I was a college student back then, and I must have…
Read MoreSeeking Financial Advice Part 2
In Part 1, I discussed the first step before hiring a financial advisor: Dig deep and understand WHY you’re hiring them. Sounds so simple, but you would be surprised how often people choose financial advice without understanding how the industry really works. If you’re not clear about your own goals, you may find yourself wasting…
Read MoreThe IRA- A Retirement Account For (Almost) Everyone
Back when I first started putting money away in my IRA (individual retirement arrangement), I didn’t appreciate the fact that I could even open one. To be honest, I only opened one because I was highly encouraged to do so by Mr. RLDVM. It was a reluctant choice. I was more worried about cash flow,…
Read MoreI Stand By FI(RE), And Why You Should, Too
“I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate it.” Ah….the famous opening dialogue between Suze Orman and the podcast host Paula Pant. This was Suze’s response to the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement that has been gaining a lot of press lately. If you’d like to listen to the podcast episode…
Read MoreTen Years- Reflecting back and looking into the future
On September 15, 2008, the fourth largest investment bank in the United States declared bankruptcy. Lehman Brothers, founded in 1850, was en route to its demise. Due to its risky investments in subprime mortgages, the company could no longer sustain itself. This behemoth firm, which had over $600 billion in assets AND over $600 billion…
Read MoreThe 20% Budget Rule: Part 1
So I have written about making your own, detailed spending plan (aka budget). I have also written about my own experience of budgeting without actually budgeting. What if you’re starting from scratch and want something really simple? Something that doesn’t require a lot of number crunching, but also doesn’t require that you are a natural…
Read More10 Tips For Veterinarians Paying Back Over $100,000 In Student Debt
(Editor’s note: I am excited to introduce my first guest post, Travis Hornsby of Student Loan Planner! He was inspired to start his business after seeing the difficulties of student loan repayment first-hand with his physician wife. He has been featured on multiple podcasts and blogs, and it is evident that he has a passion…
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