What Will You Make of Your Millions?

$5.8 million. This is the number that you can expect to earn in a lifetime according to these conditions: Starting salary: $80,000 Age: 26 Retirement age: 65 % annual increase in income: 3% Of course, these numbers will vary WIDELY depending on your situation.  Change any of these variables, and you will have different results.…

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Combining Finances: A Rite of Passage (Part 2)

As seen in Part 1, how you choose to combine your finances is a very personal decision between you and your partner. There are a host of factors that determine the best method. For those who have already combined finances, what worked earlier in the relationship is not guaranteed to stay that way as the…

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Increasing Income as a Veterinarian: 9 Strategies

Updated September 2021 When you hear the word “budget,” what do people usually think about doing first (other than running the other way as fast as possible)? They usually think about decreasing their spending, which is not very pleasant to think about. It brings about feelings of deprivation, scarcity, and hardship because now you have…

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The One Smart Money Move That New DVM Grads Can Start Today

As a new veterinary graduate starting your career, life can be overwhelming. You have just spent four intense years of your life preparing for this moment, not to mention all of those years of education and experience to get you into vet school. You are more than ready to finally practice as a full-fledged DVM.…

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Don’t Call It A Budget- Part 1

Budget….it ranks right up there with taxes.  Pretty much no one wants to ever do this.  It’s time consuming, and you’re secretly afraid of what you’ll find out.  Ignorance is bliss, right?  It is, until you get the point where you are clearly spending more than you are making and dealing with the consequences.  …

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