Money Talk
From Macroeconomics to Personal Finance: What Can We Learn?
Recently, I was lucky enough to attend the 2018 AVMA Economic Summit. I have attended my fair share of veterinary conferences as a student, a practicing veterinarian, and as a stay at home mom who was still keeping my license active. However, this was my first veterinary conference as a blogger. And let me tell…
Read MoreI Stand By FI(RE), And Why You Should, Too
“I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate it.” Ah….the famous opening dialogue between Suze Orman and the podcast host Paula Pant. This was Suze’s response to the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement that has been gaining a lot of press lately. If you’d like to listen to the podcast episode…
Read MorePaying Off Over $550k in Student Debt: Changing Your Mindset
As someone who promotes the idea of financial independence, the idea can be tougher for those that are coming out of school with an inordinate amount of debt. How can one think about financial independence when repaying your student loans is such an onerous task? This is why I was so intrigued by a recent…
Read MoreMy Financial Mistakes- And Why I Have No Regrets
I realized that I have yet to write a post dedicated to my financial mistakes. They are peppered throughout various other posts, but I thought I would go ahead and put them all in one place. Because who doesn’t like to re-live their mistakes and wallow in regret???? Actually, this post is dedicated to all…
Read MoreCompounding: Are You Smarter Than A Third Grader?
Have you ever felt sleep deprived? As in, to the point where you crave nothing more than your head hitting that sweet pillow and falling into deep slumber? The worst of my sleep deprivation was after my third child was born. I figured with my first two, I probably knew what I was doing with…
Read MoreFinancial Goals: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” For me, my journey of 26.2 miles at the Chicago Marathon began with a single step, with a total of 47,006 steps according to my watch. I have written a post about what marathon training can teach you about personal finance. Now having two…
Read MoreStudent Loan Repayment Advice for Veterinarians: Where To Turn?
Updated September 2021 Let’s say you have a ton of student debt. You need help figuring out how to pay this thing off. Your veterinary program didn’t do such a great job on giving you the tools to do this before you graduated. So now you are on your own with your degree (yes!) and…
Read MoreInvesting: Asset Allocation
You have decided to take the plunge and start investing. You’ve gotten over your fears about investing, realizing that if you want your money to grow, you’re going to have to take on some extra risk and invest your money. You’ve learned about stock market history and learned that it’s inherently volatile (so don’t be…
Read MoreCan You Raise a Family On One Income As A Veterinarian?
I recently came across a blog post titled “How to Survive the Pressure as a Sole Income Earning Parent” by blogger Financial Samurai. He includes a poll at the end of the post that asked “Who Earns in Your Household?”. He then shared the results on Twitter, where he questions “How do we get the…
Read MoreVet Success Stories: FIRE Interview #2 With Dr. Shirts
Have you heard of the FIRE movement? FIRE stands for financial independence, retire early. You can read about my motivation to FIRE here. Whether you’re on your way to FIRE or not, I hope you enjoy reading the story of others that are on this journey. I’m excited to introduce a veterinarian who made the…
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