Investing- Why Is It So Scary? (PART 1)

Investing. It can be daunting for those that have no idea what investing is all about. For me personally, money and investing were not subjects that were discussed while I was growing up.  I did not hang out with people that talked about money. I attained a degree that did not require any knowledge about…

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What is lighting your FIRE?

So why did I use the acronym FIRE in my title? This was a new term for me up until recently.  But once I found out what it was, it resonated very deeply with me. FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. You have enough accumulated in your investments that you can live off of…

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The 20% Budget Rule: Part 3

Here we go: part 3 in the trilogy of the 20% budget rule. Catch Part 1 and Part 2 here if you haven’t done so already. By the way, I have no idea how I stretched this idea out to 3 posts. I guess it’s because I had a lot to say about it. If…

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Vet Success Stories: Paying Off 80K In Six Years!

Welcome to another “Vet Success Stories”  profile. This veterinarian is a small animal general practitioner in Virginia.  She is married with two children, ages 4.5 and 2. Read how she paid off $80k of student loan debt in 6 years! 1. Please introduce yourself! Give us a little of your background and how you got started…

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The 20% Budget Rule: Part 2

Did you calculate your savings rate from Part 1? How close are you to a 20% savings rate? Part 2 will include a basic comparison between two veterinarians so that you can see what the numbers will look like.  To keep this focused on just savings, we’re looking at after-tax income, and we’re not accounting…

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The 20% Budget Rule: Part 1

So I have written about making your own, detailed spending plan (aka budget). I have also written about my own experience of budgeting without actually budgeting. What if you’re starting from scratch and want something really simple? Something that doesn’t require a lot of number crunching, but also doesn’t require that you are a natural…

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Vet Success Stories: Intro

Here is my first installment in my “Vet Success Stories” Series.  I figured that it would be a good idea to start with my own story.  It was kind of weird to interview myself.  It’s definitely not the most compelling story out there, but it will give you a quick overview of my journey to…

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