Student loan repayment options are dizzying and confusing. Your mental energy should be going towards living the life you envisioned as a vet, NOT number crunching your student loan payments.
I have written a post dedicated to student loan repayment advice. I highly recommend reading this post for an overview:
Student Loan Repayment Advice for Veterinarians: Where to Turn?
Here are some resources that you should explore before choosing the best repayment plan for YOU:
The VIN Foundation has done an excellent job putting together student debt resources just for veterinarians. The Student Loan Repayment Simulator is a powerful tool that allows you to input numbers for almost every type of scenario.
There is no charge to use these tools and services from the VIN Foundation. You can reach the team at for specific questions.
The Student Loan Planner was founded by Travis Hornsby, CFA. To date, he and his team have consulted on over $1 billion(!!) in student debt, including many consults for veterinarians.
Feel free to browse the website for valuable free content (which also includes a podcast and a YouTube channel).